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Title: Induced drug metabolism studies with indolic substrates
Authors: Jaccarini, Anthony P.
Keywords: Pharmacology
Pharmacology, Experimental
Issue Date: 1967
Publisher: The St. Luke`s Hospital Gazette
Citation: Jaccarini, A. (1967). Induced drug metabolism studies with indolic substrates. The St. Luke`s Hospital Gazette, 2(1), 20-22.
Abstract: This article summarises the effect of pretreatment on indole metabolism with particular reference to lipid soluble tryptamines which are 6- hydroxylated by a liver microsomal system requiring reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate and molecular oxygen in common with the drug metabolizing enzymes. Animal experimentation was the method used. Stimulation of indole 6-hydroxylation "in vivo" and "in vitro" is effected through the administration of phenobarbitone, polycyclic carcinogens and 6-hydroxyiase substrate to rats and rabbits. The results show that all the agents used had a stimulating effect with the exception of ethionine in combination with methylcholanthrene and carbon tetrachloride. Two tables show the effect of pretreatment on "in vitro" Hydroxylation and the effect of pretreatment on urinary Hydroxy Metabolites in the rat.
Appears in Collections:TSLHG, Volume 2, Issue 1
TSLHG, Volume 2, Issue 1

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