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Title: The role of the incentive system in the process of reducing stress levels in the workplace
Authors: Grębowiec, Mariusz
Pietrzak, Piotr
Keywords: Job stress
Employee motivation
Work environment -- Psychological aspects
Career development
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association
Citation: Grębowiec, M., & Pietrzak, P. (2024). The role of the incentive system in the process of reducing stress levels in the workplace. European Research Studies Journal, 27(3), 652-676.
Abstract: PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to draw attention to the phenomenon of stress, as well as its effects on everyday human functioning. The article presents basic concepts such as stress and stress in the workplace, as well as characterizes various factors causing this phenomenon. It also presents ways of identifying the phenomenon of stress and possible ways of dealing with stress in the workplace. The article also refers to the impact of stress on the employee's motivation to work. The concept of "motivation" was introduced and its types were listed. The second part of the article presents the results of empirical research on the impact of stress on the level of employee motivation and involvement in performed tasks, as well as the role of the motivation system in minimizing the phenomenon of stress in the workplace.
DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study used the method of analyzing the literature on the subject, as well as analyzing source data. The research sample was selected by defining the population that allowed for obtaining results enabling reference to the research problem. The sample selection method used was non-random. The sample included people of different ages, different income levels, different job profiles and different places of employment. The study was conducted using an online questionnaire. Neutral people were selected for the study. The selection of experts in the researched field would negatively affect the credibility of the obtained results.
FINDINGS: Modern times are a period in which there has been a very rapid increase in the pace of life, as well as dynamic professional and personal development of many people. Unfortunately, the demands of modern life often exceed both the physical and mental capabilities of a given individual, and then the phenomenon of doubt in one's own potential appears. Through this approach, a person begins to wonder whether he or she is able to meet the ever-growing market demands. This type of negative thinking begins to cause stress, which negatively affects the quality of life, the level of social relationships, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of work. Stress has become one of the most common problems in today's society and affects not only adults, but also adolescents and even children. Even though stress accompanies virtually every sphere of life, and a certain level of it is a natural and inherent element of the functioning of every individual, its excess can lead to many negative consequences for both mental and physical health. One of the important elements of minimizing both the causes and effects of stress in the workplace is a properly developed motivation system, which undoubtedly influences the employee's success and mental balance both in his private and professional life. Currently, the job market is very competitive. Not only because of competition between companies from a specific industry, but also because of competition among people applying for a given job position. Therefore, effective motivation plays a key role in achieving professional success, but also affects the level of commitment and efficiency of employees and the quality and effectiveness of their duties as well as the level of stress reduction in the workplace.
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article contains information and guidelines for workplace owners related to the common phenomenon of stress in the workplace. It shows the basic types and sources of stress and shows the possible long-term effects of this phenomenon. It also draws attention to the shortcomings of the motivation system existing in many workplaces, which contributes little to minimizing both stress and its effects.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The study contains important conclusions regarding variables influencing the minimization of stress as well as improvements in the employee motivation system at work.
Appears in Collections:European Research Studies Journal, Volume 27, Issue 3

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