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Title: International forum : Haemovigilance
Authors: Lawlor, Emer
Laspina, Stefan
Engelfriet, C. P.
Reesink, H. W.
Keywords: Blood -- Transfusion -- Law and legislation -- European Union
Blood -- Transfusion -- Complications
Plasma exchange (Therapeutics)
Blood groups
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing
Citation: Lawlor, E., Laspina, S., Engelfriet, C. P., & Reesink, H. W. (2006). International forum : Haemovigilance. Vox Sanguinis, 90, 222-223.
Abstract: Six years ago we devoted an International Forum to haemovigilance. At that time a haemovigilance system had been established in seven of the 17 countries from which a contribution to the Forum was received. It therefore seemed of interest to investigate how haemovigilance has developed since then, and to enquire what the impact will be of the new European Union (EU) Blood Directive that will be implemented in November 2005. Furthermore, data from haemovigilance may now be available. The questions listed below were sent to many countries. We obtained a record number of 24 contributions to this Forum. Question 1. If a haemovigilance system had not been established in your country in 1999, has one been adopted since then, and, if not, will it be established in the near future? Question 2. Is participating in the haemovigilance system in your country legally obligatory, or is it voluntary? Question 3. Is reporting on transfusion-related adverse events and reactions the main purpose of haemovigilance, or are other aspects, such as the misuse of blood products, also included? Question 4. Which adverse events must be reported? Question 5. Could you provide us with the results of haemovigilance in the last 2 years? Question 6. For European countries: will you adapt your haemovigilance program after the implementation of the new EU Blood Directive in November 2005?
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacM&SPat

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