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Title: Mill-Klassi tal-Ħajja : it-tieni serje (programmi 14 - 26)
Other Titles: Prog 14 : It-tagħlim tar-reliġjon u l-etika - Teaching of Religious Education and Ethics
Prog 15 : L-istorja tirrepeti ruħha? - History repeats itself?
Prog 16 : Studenti barranin fl-iskejjel Maltin - Foreign students in schools
Prog 17 : Suċċessi edukattivi ta’ studenti b’ADHD u Studenti b’Dyslexia - Successes of Students with ADHD and Dyslexia
Prog 18 : L-iskejjel Maltin kif inhuma meta mqabbla ma’ skejjel f’pajjiżi Ewropej? - Comparative analysis of Maltese schools compared to other schools in Europe
Prog 19 : L-isport u l-arti suġġetti 2nd class? - Sports and arts viewed as 2nd class subjects?
Prog 20 : Il-ħin fil-klassi - Effective time management in class
Prog 21 : Ħarsa kritika lejn korsijiet offruti mill-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni - A critical evaluation of Teacher education courses offered the Faculty
Prog 22 : Il-klassijiet fl-iskejjel Maltin kemm huma inklussivi? - Inclusion in Maltese classrooms
Prog 23 : Il-valur edukattiv ta’ Facebook u għodda simili - Educational value of Facebook and other social media
Prog 24 : Il-bilingwiżmu għodda utli jew kapriċċ? - Is bilingualism needed or a luxury?
Prog 25 : Is-suġġetti vokazzjonali - Vocational Education and Training
Prog 26 : It-teżi - Dissertations
Authors: Cremona, George
Keywords: RTK103 (Radio station : Malta). Mill-Klassi tal-Ħajja
Radio programs -- Malta
University of Malta. Faculty of Education
Education, Higher -- Malta
Education -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Malta
Language and languages -- Study and teaching -- Malta
Teachers -- Training of -- Malta
Second language acquisition -- Malta
Bilingualism -- Malta
Religion -- Study and teaching -- Malta
Students, Foreign -- Malta
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Dyslexic children
Comparative education
Sports and the arts
Inclusive education -- Malta
Social media and teachers
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Beacon Media Group
Citation: Cremona, G. (2017). Mill-Klassi tal-Ħajja: it-tieni serje [Radio series]. Malta: Radio RTK
Abstract: Introduction: As part of his commitment to advancing the synergy between academia and the educational sector, the researcher, who is a member of the Faculty of Education, led a research initiative titled Mill-klassi tal-Ħajja (From the Classroom of life). This initiative comprises two series of radio programmes produced on behalf of the Faculty of Education. The first series consisted of 12 episodes, while the second series consisted of 25 weekly episodes featuring a diverse array of guests from both the Faculty and local Maltese state and non-state schools.
Theoretical Framework: This initiative is motivated by a theoretical framework that emphasizes the crucial importance of collaboration between schools and higher education institutions. The literature highlights that such partnerships are essential for bridging the gap that often exists between these two spheres (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012; Anderson & Shattuck, 2012). Anderson and Shattuck (2012) suggest that well-planned collaboration between schools and Faculties of Education can lead to a situation where both prospective teachers and experienced educators can benefit through curricular alignment and improved teaching strategies. Through these collaborative initiatives theory and practice are merged and eventually both students and teachers experience more motivated learning and teaching contexts. These initiatives, based on sharing of insights also enhance reflectivity in practitioners (Korthagen and Loughran, 2012) and therefore teachers and lecturers alike become more aware of their conduct and improve their academic professional doings through constant informed evaluations (Vescio, Ross, and Adams, 2010). This theoretical framework based on literature provided a strong foundation for the research questions guiding the Mill-Klassi tal-Ħajja initiative. By exploring the forms of collaboration currently in place between the Faculty of Education and local schools, as well as public perceptions of these collaborations, the researcher seeks to contribute to the ongoing discourse on the need for integrated educational practices.
Research Aims: The primary research aims guiding this inquiry are: (1) to create collaboration between the Faculty of Education and local schools; (2) to create a space for the public - through phone-ins and SMS during the broadcast - to share about how these collaborations are perceived. (3) to tackle education-related issues which frequently end up only discussed by experts, instead of being tackled by educators and parents at grassroot levels.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEduLHE

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14 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 03April2017.mp3
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Prog 14 : It-tagħlim tar-reliġjon u l-etika - Teaching of Religious Education and Ethics35.8 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
15 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 10April2017.mp3
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Prog 15 : L-istorja tirrepeti ruħha? : History repeats itself?32.93 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
16 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 17April2017.mp3
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Prog 16 : Studenti barranin fl-iskejjel Maltin - Foreign students in schools32.65 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
17 Mill Klassi tal Hajja 24Apr2017.mp3
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Prog 17 : Suċċessi edukattivi ta’ studenti b’ADHD u Studenti b’Dyslexia - Successes of Students with ADHD and Dyslexia38.53 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
18 Follow Up 01May2017.mp3
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Prog 18 : L-iskejjel Maltin kif inhuma meta mqabbla ma’ skejjel f’pajjiżi Ewropej? - Comparative analysis of Maltese schools compared to other schools in Europe80.87 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
19 Mill Klassi tal Hajja 08May2017.mp3
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Prog 19 : L-isport u l-arti suġġetti 2nd class? - Sports and arts viewed as 2nd class subjects?37.97 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
20 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 15May2017.mp3
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Prog 20 : Il-ħin fil-klassi Effective time management in class29.91 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
21 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 22May2017.mp3
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Prog 21 : Ħarsa kritika lejn korsijiet offruti mill-Fakultà tal-Edukazzjoni : A critical evaluation of Teacher education courses offered by the Faculty34.19 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
22 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 29May2017.mp3
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Prog 22 : Il-klassijiet fl-iskejjel Maltin kemm huma inklussivi? - Inclusion in Maltese classrooms36.22 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
23 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 05June2017.mp3
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Prog 23 : Il-valur edukattiv ta’ Facebook u għodda simili - Educational value of Facebook and other social media34.81 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
24 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 12June2017.mp3
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Prog 24 : Il-bilingwiżmu għodda utli jew kapriċċ? - Is bilingualism needed or a luxury?32.99 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
25 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 19June2017.mp3
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Prog 25 : Is-suġġetti vokazzjonali - Vocational Education and Training16.14 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
26 Mill Klassi tal-Hajja 26June2017.mp3
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Prog 26 : It-teżi - Dissertations17.02 MBUnknownView/Open Request a copy
Mill Klassi tal Hajja 2017.pdfDescription336.83 kBAdobe PDFView/Open

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