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Title: Kunċert kommemorattiv biex jiġu mfakkra l-artisti, il-kittieba u l-kompożituri li taw sehemhom fit-tkabbir tal-kultura Maltija (Programme)
Other Titles: Kunċert kommemorattiv
Kuncert kommemorattiv
Authors: Manoel Theatre
Kumitat taċ-Ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-25 Anniversarju ta' l-Indipendenza
Malta. Ministry of Education. Department of Culture and Environment
Manoel Theatre Orchestra
Authors: Schembri, Brian
Farrugia, Lino
Keywords: Manoel Theatre (Valletta, Malta)
Independence Day, 1964 -- Anniversaries, etc.
Manoel Theatre Orchestra (Valletta, Malta)
Concert programs -- Malta -- 20th century
Concert programs -- Malta -- 20th century
Musico-literary events -- Malta -- 20th century
Music and literature -- Malta -- 20th century
Dance -- Malta -- 20th century
Orchestra and orchestral music -- Performance -- 20th century
Caxaru, Pietru, c.1400-1485. Works. Selections
Balzano, Domenico, 1632-1707. Works. Selections
Agius De Soldanis, Gio Pietro Francesco, 1712-1770. Works. Selections
Vella, Michel'Angelo, 1710-1792. Works. Selections
Vassallo, Ġan Anton, 1817-1868. Works. Selections
Caruana, Antonio Emanuele, 1839-1907. Ineż Farruġ
Muscat Azzopardi, Ġużè, 1853-1927. Nazju Ellul
Spiteri Fremond, Giuseppe, 1804-1878. Works. Selections
Zammit, Themistocles, 1864-1935. Ċensa u ċ-ċine
Karm, Dun, 1871-1961. Works. Selections
Cremona, Ninu, 1880-1972. Fidwa tal-bdiewa
Vassallo, Paolino, 1856-1923. Works. Selections
Farrugia, Lino, 1947- . Kunċert kommemorattiv
Schembri, Brian, 1961-
Issue Date: 1989-02-12
Citation: Farrugia, L. (Director). (1989, February 12). Kunċert kommemorattiv biex jiġu mfakkra l-artisti, il-kittieba u l-kompożituri li taw sehemhom fit-tkabbir tal-kultura Maltija by the Manoel Theatre Orchestra, [Programme]. Manoel Theatre, Valletta.
Abstract: Manoel Theatre, Kumitat taċ-Ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-25 Anniversarju ta' l-Indipendenza, and the Ministry of Education present the programme for a commemorative musico-literary event (with dance) directed by Lino Farrugia, and featuring the Manoel Theatre Orchestra (conducted by Brian Schembri). The event featured the literary works of Pietru Caxaro, Can G. P. Agius De Soldanis, Ġan Anton Vassallo, Anton Manwel Caruana, Ġużè Muscat Azzopardi, Sir Temi Zammit, Fun Karm Psaila, and Ninu Cremona. The event also featured the musical works of Domenico Balzano, M. Anġ. Vella, Gius. Spiteri Fremond, and Paolino Vassallo. The event was held on the 12th of February, 1989, at the Manoel theatre, in Valletta.
Description: Programme includes list of featured items including their creators, some short biographies, featured readers/performers where applicable and signatures of some participants, list of production crew with some signatures, list of crew from Manoel theatre, and list of members of Kumitat taċ-Ċelebrazzjonijiet tal-25 Anniversarju ta' l-Indipendenza. Programme is given no. 1205a in archival records. Retrieved from the Manoel theatre records.
Appears in Collections:Season 1988/89 Programmes - SchPATMP

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