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Title: Awdjo : Inkanta ħafja ... biex nibqa’ saqajja mal-art - Emmelie de Forest
Authors: Cremona, George
Keywords: Modality (Linguistics)
Discourse analysis -- Social aspects
Eurovision Song Contest -- Social aspects
De Forest, Emmelie Charlotte-Victoria, 1993-
Singers -- Denmark
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Beacon Media Group
Citation: Cremona, G. (2014, February 8). Awdjo: Inkanta ħafja biex nibqa’ saqajja mal-art - Emmelie de Forest. Newsbook. Retrieved from:
Abstract: As part of the Multimodal Encounters research project, this article is one of a series of researched contributions written in Maltese, aimed at engaging the general Maltese public, who primarily views the Eurovision Song Contest (ESC). The author adopts a critical socio-cultural perspective (drawing on the works of Blommaert 2019, and Kyriakidou et al. 2018) and interprets the ESC through multimodal discourse analysis (drawing on works of Kress, 2010 and Jewitt, 2012). The amalgamation of these two lead to the exploration of the discourses and ideologies embedded within the festival, focusing on themes such as race, gender and sexuality, disability, political views, religion, age, and human rights. This contribution not only advances the field in Malta but also enriches the international discourse surrounding cultural studies. Please read the attached document for further information.
Description: F'intervista esklussiva li tat lil ilbieraħ Emmelie de Forest, il-kantanta Daniża t'għoxrin sena spjegat kif u għaliex tkanta dejjem ħafja fuq il-palk. Temmen li huwa mod li permezz tiegħu tfakkarlilha nnifisha li fil-ħajja, tilħaq kemm tilħaq suċċess, għandha żżomm dejjem saqajha mal-art. [Isma' l-awdjo hawn]
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEduLHE

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