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dc.contributor.authorAlaloul, Wesam Salah-
dc.contributor.authorAltaf, Muhammad-
dc.contributor.authorMusarat, Muhammad Ali-
dc.contributor.authorJaved, Muhammad Faisal-
dc.contributor.authorMosavi, Amir-
dc.identifier.citationAlaloul, W. S., Altaf, M., Musarat, M. A., Faisal Javed, M., & Mosavi, A. (2021). Systematic review of life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis for pavement and a case study. Sustainability, 13(8), 4377.en_GB
dc.description.abstractDevelopment of the pavement network systems, which is inevitable due to the rapid economic growth, has increasingly become a topic of significant concern because of the severe environmental impacts of road expansion. For achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the policies and actions towards the pavements’ life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) must be carefully assessed. Consequently, the purpose of this review is to present an overview of LCA and LCCA used in pavement engineering and management. Through the quality control of PRISMA, fifty-five most relevant documents were extracted for a thorough investigation. The state of the art review reveals that a limited number of the papers considered environmental impacts of the pavements. Consequently, to assess the environmental impact cost, a conceptual framework was developed to better consider the LCA and LCCA on various aspects of the pavement projects including the sustainability aspects. Besides, a case study was given to validate the literature review towards proposing a novel framework for the incorporation of environmental impact cost.en_GB
dc.publisherMDPI AGen_GB
dc.subjectLife cycle costingen_GB
dc.subjectCircular economyen_GB
dc.subjectSustainable developmenten_GB
dc.subjectPavements, Concrete -- Design and constructionen_GB
dc.subjectInfrastructure (Economics)en_GB
dc.titleSystematic review of life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis for pavement and a case studyen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
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