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Title: Hunterian oration, delivered before the Hunterian Society
Authors: Rees, George Owen
Keywords: Speeches, addresses, etc. -- English
Surgeons -- History
Hunter, John, 1728–1793
Medicine -- History
Hunterian Society
Rees, George Owen, 1813-1889
Issue Date: n.d.
Citation: Rees, G. O. (n.d.). Hunterian oration, delivered before the Hunterian Society. Melitensia Miscellanea Collection (Melit-Misc. vol. 80.7). University of Malta Library, Melitensia Special Collections.
Abstract: Me. President though I may feel proud of the honour conferred upon me in the request that I would undertake the office of Hunterian Orator, believe me the fullest appreciation of that honour by no means raises my vanity to such a point that I can appear before you without more than ordinary trepidation. This need not be urged on those who have preceded me in the duty, and who, like myself, have felt, as chroniclers of the mighty dead, that every reflection was but a memento of their own feebleness for the task... [Excerpt]
Appears in Collections:Miscellania : volume 080 - A&SCMisc

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