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Title: The relationship between racial identity and privilege awareness among Maltese university students
Authors: Zalkalne, Elina (2015)
Keywords: Black people -- Race identity
White people -- Race identity
University of Malta -- Students
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Zalkalne, E. (2015). The relationship between racial identity and privilege awareness among Maltese university students (Master's dissertation).
Abstract: Increasing multiculturalism in the world’s population has given rise to a melting pot of cultures, opinions and attitudes, resulting in positive and negative consequences on societies. Individuals have been forced to reconsider their identities and privileges when confronted with others from different groups, ethnicities and ideologies. This study was carried out with the aim to explore the relationship between racial identity and privilege awareness in Maltese university students. The study also aimed to explore which demographic variables indicated a strong relationship between racial identity and privilege awareness. It employed a quantitative correlational research method by compiling a questionnaire including two US constructed scales which were revised for the Maltese population – the Oklahoma Racial Attitudes Scale and the Awareness of Privilege and Oppression Scale-2, and a section on participant demographics. 212 Maltese born university students completed the questionnaire, the results of which were analysed using SPSS. Bivariate correlations showed a significant positive relationship between racial identity and privilege awareness (r = .234, p <.001), and indicated a number of demographic variables that relate with the scores of each scale. The data suggests that Maltese students are aware of their racial identities as well as their privileges, and that specific demographic groups show higher awareness of both. Further research in the field is recommended, particularly on larger samples of the Maltese population, while migrants’ perspectives should also be explored.
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacSoW - 2015
Dissertations - FacSoWCou - 2015

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