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Title: The European Union’s constitutional development : towards the solidary integration model
Authors: Fava, Lauro
Keywords: Constitutional law -- European Union countries
European Economic Community
Europe -- Economic integration
European Union countries -- Politics and government
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: European Law Students' Association Malta
Citation: Fava, L. (2011). The European Union’s constitutional development: towards the solidary integration model. ELSA Malta Law Review, 1, 97-107.
Abstract: Joseph Weiler wrote that every polity has memorable 'constitutional moments' in the minds of its citizens. These moments bring about change in the constitutional system, either directly, as in the abolition of the monarchy in Italy, or indirectly and symbolically, such as with the fall of the Berlin wall. Weiler goes on to analyse which moments can be said to be the 'constitutional moments' of the EU. Above all, he mentions the signing of the Maastricht Treaty which coincided with a revival in EU integration spirit. This author contends that this approach is somewhat flawed as it portrays a double caricature – the focus on singular moments of change on the one hand and the history of EU integration as a struggle between intergovernmentalism and supranationalism on the other hand, while ignoring the day-to-day politics which bring about the gradual accretion of competence resulting from EU policy making.
ISSN: 23051949
Appears in Collections:ELSA Malta Law Review : Volume 1 : 2011

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