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Title: Special report by the directors to the proprietors of price's patent candle company
Keywords: Mentoring in business
Recreation areas
Issue Date: 1852
Citation: (1852). Special report by the directors to the proprietors of price's patent candle company. Melitensia Miscellanea Collection (Melit-Misc. vol. 81.10). University of Malta Library, Melitensia Special Collections.
Abstract: Report
Your Committee have inquired into the subjects to which you directed their attention. And a short time since, in conjunction with Mr. Moseley (the Government inspector of schools, who kindly assisted them) they went over the day and night schools provided for the Factory children by Mr. J. Wilson, who in answer to their various inquiries has furnished them with the information contained in the letter which they lay before you herewith.
That letter your Committee consider so interesting and important, that they recommend its being printed as an appendix to their report, and in that form circulated among the shareholders before the next annual meeting. Nothing short of so submitting Mr. J. Wilson's own narrative, will in your Committee's opinion do justice to his views, or enable the Proprietors to judge how deeply they are indebted to him.
Mr. Moseley expressed himself no less gratified than your Committee were, with the proficiency of the children, and the admirable system adopted by Mr. J. Wilson in connection with the night and day schools.
The total number of young persons in all the schools on the day of inspection, was 512. At some seasons there are many more; the number varying with the season of the year, and the consequent pressure or slackness of business. The practice being to send children, when not required for work, up to the schools, where they are well taught and kept from evil, and are always ready again when wanted; whereas they would otherwise be liable to be idling about the streets, picking up bad habits, and perhaps might not be available when next wanted. Of course they are not paid except when at work, and great is their eagerness to be drafted back from the school to the workshops... [Excerpt]
Appears in Collections:Miscellania : volume 081 - A&SCMisc

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