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Title: The Journal of Baroque Studies : volume 3 : number 1
Authors: Ciappara, Frans
Keywords: Art, Baroque
Architecture, Baroque
Order of St. John -- Malta -- History
Knights of Malta -- Malta -- History
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: University of Malta. International Institute for Baroque Studies
Citation: Ciappara, F. (ed.) (2021). The Journal of Baroque Studies : volume 3 : number 1.
Abstract: Table of contents:
- Women Entrepreneurs in Malta's Porto Grande in the Baroque Age: Christine Muscat
- Late Baroque Sociability, the Culture of Sensibility and the Queen of the Night's Rage in Mozart's The Magic Flute: Charmaine Falzon
- II linguaggio della comicita e dell'amore nelle commedie di tre drammaturghi mediterranei del Seicento: Carlo Magri, Francesco Cavanna, Niccolo Amenta: Mario Pace
- Les Lumieres a travers la correspondance de trois chevaliers de Malte: Carmen Depasquale
- A Seventeenth Century Artistic and Venerated Crucifix at the Capuchin Church in Gozo: Martin Micallef
- Le radici europee della collezione di Giovanni Francesco Abela: Chiara Cecalupo
- Aspects of scientific exchange in the Age of Baroque - Giovanni Francesco Abela and the comunitas litteraria: Thomas Freller
- Filial Churches in Malta: A Historico-Artistic Outline: Hilary Spiteri
- L' ascesa degli lmperi lberici: Esplorazioni ed insediamenti coloniali nei secoli XVII-XVIII: Francesco Frasca
- The Baroque, a sensual explosion, which touches the heart and lifts up the soul: Reno Saliba
- 'La Cappel/a Sistina di Sicilia': The Baroque Church of the Benedictine nunnery of S. Giovanni Evangelista in Piazza Armerina in Sicily.: Denis De Lucca
- Books Received
ISSN: 25207016
Appears in Collections:JBS, Volume 3, No. 1 (2021)

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