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Title: On probabilistic monitorability
Other Titles: Principles of systems design : essays dedicated to Thomas A. Henzinger on the occasion of his 60th birthday
Authors: Aceto, Luca
Achilleos, Antonis
Anastasiadi, Elli
Francalanza, Adrian
Ingólfsdóttir, Anna
Lehtinen, Karoliina
Pedersen, Mathias Ruggaard
Keywords: Computer software -- Verification
Software engineering -- Monitoring
Probabilities -- Mathematical models
Markov processes -- Numerical solutions
Formal methods (Computer science)
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Citation: Aceto, L., Achilleos, A., Anastasiadi, E., Francalanza, A., Ingólfsdóttir, A., Lehtinen, K., & Pedersen, M. R. (2022). On probabilistic monitorability. In J.-F. Raskin, & K. Chatterjee (Eds.), Principles of Systems Design: Essays Dedicated to Thomas A. Henzinger on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday (pp. 325-342). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
Abstract: This paper investigates monitorability in the context of probabilistic systems. We specify how monitor verdicts, reached over finite (partial) traces, can be given a probabilistic interpretation. For monitors that are used to verify properties at runtime, we also relate their probabilistic verdicts to the probability that a trace satisfies the property of interest. This leads us to define probabilistic monitor soundness and completeness, which are then used to formulate probabilistic monitorability. Surprisingly, we show that the resulting notions coincide with standard monitorability definitions from the literature. This allows us to transfer prior results from the standard setting to the probabilistic realm.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacICTCS

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