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Title: Working with the patient
Authors: Cordina, Maria
Keywords: Editorial writing. Editorials
Pharmaceutical services
Physician and patient
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: Malta College of Pharmacy Practice
Citation: Cordina, M. (2004). Working with the patient. The Chronic*ill, 8, 3-5.
Abstract: The pharmacist is the undisputed drug expert. Pharmacists posess an in depth knowledge of drug use, their therapeutic effects and undesired effects. The ever increasing amount of medicines available both through doctor’s prescription and those directly available to the consumer are providing the possibility of better care for the patient. However, the potential for drug-related morbidity is also increasing.
Appears in Collections:JMCPP, Issue 8
JMCPP, Issue 8
Scholarly Works - FacM&SCPT

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