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Title: Over-the-counter weight loss preparations
Authors: Vella, Valerie
Keywords: Weight loss preparations -- Malta
Obesity -- Disease management -- Malta
Weight loss preparations -- Effectiveness
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Malta College of Pharmacy Practice
Citation: Vella, V. (2015). Over-the-counter weight loss preparations. Journal of the Malta College of Pharmacy Practice, 21, 13-15.
Abstract: Obesity has been described as a pandemic as it is estimated to contribute to more than 3 million deaths worldwide.2 In Malta 28.7% of the population is obese and another 67.6% is classified as overweight.3, 4 This paper will be provide a summary of systematic reviews and meta-analysis of some common ingredients in weight loss preparations available in local pharmacies.
Appears in Collections:JMCPP, Issue 21
JMCPP, Issue 21

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