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Title: Management of coastal recreational resources: beaches, yacht marinas, and eco-tourism
Authors: Micallef, Anton
Keywords: Coastal zone management -- Malta -- Gozo
Coasts -- Recreational use -- Malta -- Gozo -- Management
Ecotourism -- Malta -- Gozo -- Management
Marinas -- Malta -- Gozo -- Management
Beaches -- Malta -- Gozo -- Management
Issue Date: 2006-12
Publisher: University of Malta. Gozo Centre
Citation: Micallef, A. (2006). Management of coastal recreational resources: beaches, yacht marinas, and eco-tourism. The Gozo Observer, 15, 17-18.
Abstract: This article talks about the bi-annual conferences ICoD organizes to address the management of coastal recreational resources (MCRR). The conferences focus on selected aspects of coastal management, namely those related to recreational amenities represented by beaches, yacht marinas, and eco-tourism.
Appears in Collections:The Gozo Observer - Issue 15, December 2006
The Gozo Observer - Issue 15, December 2006

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