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Title: The effect of internal marketing on organisational commitment among retail bank managers
Authors: Caruana, Albert
Calleya, Peter
Keywords: Banks and banking
Organizational commitment
Corporate culture
Service industries -- Marketing
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: MCB UP Ltd.
Citation: Caruana, A., & Calleya, P. (1998). The effect of internal marketing on organisational commitment among retail bank managers. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 16(3), 108-116.
Abstract: This paper examines internal processes associated with delivering customer satisfaction focusing particularly on the relationship between the nature and extent of internal marketing and its outcome in terms of the level of organisational commitment on the part of employees. The concepts of internal marketing and organisational commitment are discussed, suitable measures are identified and research is conducted among managers of a retail bank. The findings confirm a significant relationship between internal marketing and organisational commitment. The relationship of internal marketing is most significant with the affective dimension of organisational commitment. Limitations of the research are noted and directions for future research are indicated.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacMKSCC

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