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Title: Adjustable and negative thermal expansion from multilayered systems
Authors: Grima, Joseph N.
Oliveri, Ludovica
Ellul Grech, Brian
Gatt, Ruben
Attard, Daphne
Cicala, Gianluca
Recca, Giuseppe
Keywords: Expansion (Heat)
Layer structure (Solids)
Finite element method
Issue Date: 2010-06
Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Citation: Grima, J. N., Oliveri, L., Ellul, B., Gatt, R., Attard, D., Cicala, G., & Recca, G. (2010). Adjustable and negative thermal expansion from multilayered systems. Physica Status Solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters, 4(5-6), 133-135.
Abstract: A construct in the form of a multi-layered system built from conventional materials having different mechanical and thermal properties is proposed. This construct can exhibit pre-determined values of thermal expansion which could also be negative. It is shown that for maximising negative thermal expansion (NTE) there should be a combination of thin layers of stiff materials having a high positive coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) bonded with thicker layers of a soft material having low CTE values and, more importantly, having Poisson's ratio as high as possible.
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