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Postcolonial Directions in Education
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Postcolonial Directions in Education is a peer-reviewed open access journal produced twice a year. It is a scholarly journal intended to foster further understanding, advancement and reshaping of the field of postcolonial education.
Prof. Carmel Borg
Dr Charmaine Bonello
Dr Nisha Thapliyal
Managing Editor:
Marketing, Communications and Alumni Office
ISSN: 2304-5388
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Hoxha, Gilda
- 2
Kapoor, Dip
- 2
Mahlck, Paula
- 2
Maniam, Vegneskumar
- 2
Moller Madsen, Lene
- 2
Orelus, Pierre
- 2
Raycheva, Lilia
- 2
Torres, Carlos Alberto
- 2
Witcel, Elisabete
- 2
Zanoni, Joseph
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