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Title: Chad Orzel : how to teach quantum physics to your dog [book review]
Authors: Cini, Andrea Marie
Keywords: Books -- Reviews
Quantum theory
Science news
Issue Date: 2016-10
Publisher: University of Malta
Citation: Cini, A. M. (2016). Chad Orzel : how to teach quantum physics to your dog [book review]. THINK Magazine, 17, 69.
Abstract: The term quantum physics has struck fear into many hearts. Such a complex subject has, for many years, dumbfounded students, and, it seems, their dogs alike. Chad Orzel (a professor at Union College,New York) in his book, How To Teach Quantum Physics To Your Dog, tries to accomplish just that; how do you explain sub-atomic physics in a fun and easy way? Using his dog Emmy as a fellow narrator, Orzel explains quantum physics from a different, more canine-oriented perspective, and actually manages to make it work!
Appears in Collections:Think Magazine, Issue 17
Think Magazine, Issue 17

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