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Title: Where humanities, medicine, and sciences meet
Keywords: Science and the humanities
Science projects -- Malta
Medicine -- Malta
Issue Date: 2017-03
Publisher: University of Malta
Citation: Duca, E. (ed.) (2017). Where humanities, medicine, and sciences meet. THINK Magazine, 19, 6-7.
Abstract: Not many Ph.D.s lead to a new programme of studies, but cardiac paediatrician Prof. Victor Grech’s did. His study on Infertility in Science Fiction inspired him and his supervisors, Prof. Ivan Callus and Prof. Clare Vassallo, (University of Malta, see THINK article: Science Fiction—Mythology of the future) to start the HUMS programme: a space for researchers in the humanities, medicine, and sciences to meet and discuss the bridges between these areas.
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Think Magazine, Issue 19
Think Magazine, Issue 19

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