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Title: Recollections abroad, during the year 1790 : Sicily and Malta
Authors: Hoare, Richard Colt
Keywords: Sicily (Italy) -- Antiquities
Sicily (Italy) -- Description and travel
Malta -- Antiquities
Malta -- Description and travel
Malta -- History -- 18th century
Issue Date: 1817
Publisher: Richard Cruttwell
Citation: Hoare, R. C. (1817). Recollections abroad, during the year 1790 : Sicily and Malta. Bath (United Kingdom): Richard Cruttwell. 247.
Abstract: Hitherto, with the exception of a short excursion into the ancient district of Etruria, my researches have been confined to the Roman territory, and to a description of its local scenery and antiquities. I now enter upon a new field of inquiry, interesting from its early cultivation and rich produce: a country, captivating to the eye, by its natural beauties, and to the mind, by the historical events which it summons to the recollection; a country, which flourished in a high state of opulence and prosperity, before Rome could boast even of its foundation,* and which gave birth and protection to a long train of the most illustrious warriors, legislators, and philosophers. A study of the Etruscan, Greek, and Roman nations comprehends all that is required from a general investigation of Italy ; and if our re searches were made according to the order of chronology, our first attention would be directed towards Etruria, whose language is now unknown to us; but we may still retrace with astonishment the rude architecture of that nation in the Cyclopean walls, which still exist in many parts of its ancient territory ; and by a residence at Volterra, we may become acquainted with the funereal rites of the Etruscan nation. If we extend our re searches still further, we shall find this once populous and well-inhabited territory become deserted and infectious from pestilential air. And whilst we tread over this ground, the mind will recur to those vicissitudes of fortune which it has experienced ; and recollect, that from the downfall of this celebrated nation, Imperial Rome acknowledges its origin. From Etruria our thoughts will naturally be directed towards Greece, and the connexion which its republics, particularly Athens, had with Sicily; and on a view of this fertile island, the classical tourist will find a rich field open to his survey. I may say of it what Cicero said of Athens, Quacumque ingredimur, in aliquant historiam ves tigium ponimus ; for each day's journey will supply matter for historical inquiry, recall to our memory the studies of our younger days, and identify the very places where many of the most interesting events have transpired. Satiated, though not tired, with those antiquities which the territory of Rome has afforded, I now enter with anxiety and zeal on a new district; new in its original language, and new in the style of architecture which its ancient monuments will present. Nova resagitur. Tyrants, heroes, philosophers, and legislators already flit before my sight. The vision is pleasing, and I hope will terminate with instruction.
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