Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2024-04-14 | It's all about jazz | Benoit, Marie |
1991-09-22 | Nicolò Isouard: Theatre commissioner during the French occupation | Vella Bondin, Joseph |
1990-12-09 | Nicolò Isouard: the early years | Vella Bondin, Joe |
2011 | II-baned Maltin u t-tixrid tal-arti mużikali | Bonnici, Anthony |
2024-07-20 | Music Matters to Milica! | Malta Independent on Sunday; Benoit, Marie; Lawrence, Milica |
2024-08-25 | The soprano who followed her dream | Benoit, Marie; Vella, Nadia |
2013 | II-banda Queen Victoria l-ewwel banda taż-Żurrieq | Camilleri, Alfred |
1982-04-17 | Is-Surmast Vincenzo Caruana Spiteri | Sciberras, Lawrenz |
2015 | Intervista - Insiru Nafu | Chetcuti, Joe; Farrugia, Joe |
2013 | Insiru nafu Iil Joseph Farrugia | Chetcuti, Joe; Farrugia, Joe |
2013 | Il-Banda Queen Victoria f'okkażjonijiet ċivili u nazzjonali | Camilleri, Alfred |
2013 | II-Banda Queen Victoria fi żmien il-Gwerra | Camilleri, A. |
2014 | Postijiet Ii fihom kienet tgħammar il-Banda Queen Victoria tul is-snin. | Camilleri, Alfred |
2021-09-19 | Malta's national orchestra in-Dubai | Zammit, Lara |
2023-03-26 | The 16th edition of Gaulitana Festival comes with a month long programme of events | Zammit, Lara; Attard, Colin |
1980-05-31 | Ġużeppi Caruana : Malti li għamel ġieħ kbir lil pajjiżu | Pavloviċ |
1995 | Il-banda mistiedna tagħna | Soċjetà Filarmonika l-Unjoni (Luqa, Malta) |
2021 | 70 sena ilu: 20 t'April 1951 | Fenech, Anton |
2017-06-18 | The Maltese greats | Vella Bodin, Joseph |
2007 | Mal-Mixja tas-snin - 1887-2007 | Fenech, Anton; Zammit, Raymond |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 478