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Title: A national health information strategy for Malta
Authors: Agius Muscat, Hugo
Westwood, M.
Keywords: Public health -- Malta
Medical care -- Malta
Hospitals -- Malta
Issue Date: 1993
Publisher: Maltese Medical Journal
Citation: Maltese Medical Journal. 1993, Vol. 5(1), p. 9-11
Abstract: In 1992 a national health information strategy was developed jointly by the Department of Health and the Information Systems Division. A detailed strategy study report was compiled, with recommendations for the development of a number of information systems. The main system proposed was an integrated and comprehensive health care information system encompassing all of Malta’s hospitals and health centres, based on a single Patient Master Index. This system would support the concepts of an integrated health record and of a person-based view for resource management.
Appears in Collections:MMJ, Volume 5, Issue 1
MMJ, Volume 5, Issue 1
Scholarly Works - FacM&SPH

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