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dc.contributor.authorMayo, Peter
dc.identifier.citationMayo, P. (2012). Recuperating democratic spaces in an age of militarisation and a new fascism. Policy Futures in Education, 10(6), 601-615.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThis essay provides a comprehensive overview of Henry Giroux’s contribution over the years to critical thinking in education and beyond. It focuses primarily on Giroux’s recent works concerning the changing nature of the State (from the social to the carceral and neoliberal state), the war against youth and children, the culture of militarisation, torture, the emergence of a ‘new fascism’, the corporatisation of schools and higher education and the need for intellectuals to extend their work beyond the confines of academia to engage as public intellectuals, as well as the roles of critical pedagogy and cultural studies in this regard. The article draws on a range of writings, including both academic and more ‘public’ writings from such outlets as Truthout and Counterpunch. While much of what is written presents a bleak picture of the current international socio-economic scenario, Giroux’s work is infused with a sense of hope and agency. It is inspired by a view of a world not as it is now but as it can and should be.en_GB
dc.publisherSymposium Journalsen_GB
dc.subjectContinuing educationen_GB
dc.subjectEducation and stateen_GB
dc.subjectCritical pedagogyen_GB
dc.subjectCulture -- Study and teachingen_GB
dc.subjectGiroux, Henry A., 1943- .en_GB
dc.titleRecuperating democratic spaces in an age of militarisation and a new fascismen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holderen_GB
dc.publication.titlePolicy Futures in Educationen_GB
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEduES

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