Dissertations - FacICTCS - 2017
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | Enhancing android malware sandboxes with anti-evasion code patching | Leguesse, Yonas |
2017 | Towards peer-to-peer caching techniques for web resources | Cassar, Rebecca Kai |
2017 | A distributed pipeline for interactive physically based rendering | Magro, Mark Charles |
2017 | Memory forensics of control flow integrity violations | Cilia, Rachel |
2017 | Context aware high-fidelity rendering over peer-to-peer systems | De Barro, Adrian |
2017 | An extensible framework for human centred software testing | Catania, Samantha |
2017 | Context aware high-fidelity rendering over peer-to-peer systems | De Barro, Adrian |
2017 | A hybrid smartphone-cloud based rendering algorithm for natural video scenes on mobile device | Caruana, James |
2017 | Investigating the use of the map-reduce paradigm for genome alignment | Abdilla, Sara Ann |
2017 | Efficient rendering of shadowcasting for multiple dynamic point light sources | Apap, Jean Karl |
2017 | Investigating the suitability of COSFIRE filters for pedestrian recognition | Camilleri, Angie Ann |
2017 | JavaScript operating system simulation of processes for instructional use | Calleja, Michael |
2017 | Non-deterministic contract automata | Croucher, André |
2017 | Heart beat rate calculation from facial video recording on smartphones | Bonello, Nicholas |
2017 | Automated checking for deterministic monitor behaviour | Buhagiar, Andrew |
2017 | Visualising and interacting with music-theoretic structures | Mizzi, Samuel |
2017 | A generic chess-like game player | Borg, Jonathan |
2017 | Efficient rendering of soft shadows for multiple dynamic area light sources | Griscti Soler, Nicholas |
2017 | Optimising path tracing with genetic algorithms | Farrugia, James |
2017 | Fast video compression | Vella, Jamie |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26