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Title: Broca's Brain
Other Titles: Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science
Authors: Sagan, Carl
Keywords: Broca, Paul, 1824-1880
Intellect -- Social aspects
Identity (Psychology)
Musee de l'homme (Museum national d'histoire naturelle)
Issue Date: 1989
Publisher: Upper Secondary School Valletta
Citation: Sagan, C. (1989). Broca's brain. Hyphen, 6(1), 23-30
Abstract: This article is from the book Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science by the same author. It deals with Paul Broca, a french physician, anatomist and anthropologist who is famous for finding out that different parts of the brain have specific functions. As a result he collected brains and put them in formalin filled jars - including his own after his death. When Sagan finds this collection at the Musée de l'Homme he wonders how much of Paul Broca is still found in that jar.
Appears in Collections:Hyphen, Volume 6, No. 1 (1989)
Hyphen, Volume 6, No. 1 (1989)

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