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Title: What should pharmacists keep in mind to communicate with patients more effectively : some key concepts for everyday use
Authors: Cavaco, Afonso Miguel
Keywords: Pharmacist and patient
Pharmaceutical services
Communication in pharmacy
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Malta College of Pharmacy Practice
Citation: Cavaco, A. M. (2017). What should pharmacists keep in mind to communicate with patients more effectively : some key concepts for everyday use. Journal of the Malta College of Pharmacy Practice, 23, 13-16.
Abstract: Communication skills for pharmacists are commonly described in professional frameworks and guidelines equally important as other current pharmaceutical competencies. However, these abilities usually receive less attention from university syllabuses, while in life long education they are many times discussed in a theoretical level or as a supplement to other skills. The present work aims to discuss several interpersonal skills used in daily practice with variable extension, improving communication and relational aspects needed for optimizing patient care.
Appears in Collections:JMCPP, Issue 23
JMCPP, Issue 23

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