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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 94
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1262-11-01Bullae Papae Urbain IV: Priori et fratribus hospitalis Lazari AcconensisUrban IV, Pope
1265-08-05Bullae Papae Clement IV: Venerabilibus Fratribus nostrisClement IV, Pope
1305Memoirs of John of Joinville.Sire de Joinville, Jean
1265-05-05Bullae Papae Clement IV: Cum dilectis filiisClement IV, Pope
1273Monumenta Ecclesiae StrigoniensisSimor, Joannis, Cardinal
1390Rules pertaining to the Order of the templeAnon.
1253Chronica MajoraParis, Matthew
1234-01-14Bulla Papae Gregorie IX: Universos fideles monet et bortatur ut....Gregory IX, Pope
1847Die altesten Statuten fur die Lazaritenkloster Seedorf, im Gfenn, und in SlatteGall Morel, G.
1319Donation document made out to the house of 'Sancti Lazzari' in Italy.De Camelis, Guillaume; De Camelis, Marc
1169Labellus de Locis SanctisTheoderich of Wurzbrg
1255-02-18Bullae Papae Alexander IV: Magistris et fratribus hospitalis leprosorum s. Lazari JerosolymitaniAlexander IV, Pope
1307Flores HistoriarumParis, Matthew
1307Flores HistoriarumParis, Matthew
1149Statuts de la Leproserie Saint Lazare de MontpellierRaymond, Bishop of Montpellier
1331Dei Regein des Heiligen Orderns S. LazariVon Schlatt, Siegfried
1257-11-22Bullae Papae Alexander IV: Magistro et fratribus domus militie Leprosorum Sancti Lazari JerosolimitaneAlexander IV, Pope
1256Deed made out in favour of 'fratrem Milonem, magistrum generralem milicie Sancti Lazari Jerusalem, et magistrum Willelmum de Hereford cum fratribus'Henry III, King of England
1255-04-11Bullae Papae Alexander IV: Cum รก nobis petiturAlexander IV, Pope
1255-03-11Bullae Papae Alexander IV: Eisdem magistro et fratribus, quorum hospitaleAlexander IV, Pope
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 94

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