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Title: Agenda 2030 : programs 1-17
Other Titles: Program 1 : Introduzzjoni ghas-sensiela - Dr Censu Caruana
Program 2 : Il-qerda tal-faqar - Dr Censu Caruana
Program 3 : Jintemm il-guh - Prof Suzanne Piscopo
Program 4 : Hajja b'sahhitha ghal kulhadd - Dr Neville Calleja
Program 5 : Edukazzjoni ta' kwalita - Prof Peter Mayo
Program 6 : Ugwaljanza bejn is-sessi - Dr Marceline Naudi
Program 7 : Ilma nadif u energija affordabbli ghal kulhadd - Perit Philip Grech
Program 8 : Ekonomija sostenibbli - Dr Philip von Brockdorff
Program 9 : Infrastruttura resiljenti ecc - Prof Godfrey Baldacchino
Program 10 : Tnaqqis fl-inugwaljanza fil- u bejn il-pajjizi - Prof Paul Pace
Program 11 : Bliet aktar inkluzivi, resiljenti u sostenibbli - Dr Marie Briguglio
Program 12 : Konsum u produzzjoni aktar sostenibbli - Prof Suzanne Piscopo
Program 13 : Mizuri urgenti fil-glieda kontra t-tibdil fil-klima - Prog Paul Pace
Program 14 : Konservazzjoni u uzu aktar sostenibbli tal-ibhra - Prof Alan Deidun
Program 15 : Il-protezzjoni tal-art - Prof Paul Pace
Program 16 : Il-promozzjoni ta' socjetajiet pacifici u inkluzivi - Dr Mary Grace Vella
Program 17 : Shubija globali ghall-izvilupp sostenibbli - Dr Ruth Farrugia
Authors: Borg, Carmel
Keywords: Inclusive education
Climatic changes
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Borg, C. (Producer & Presenter). (2018). Agenda 2030 [Radio Program]. Campus FM
Abstract: A series of programmes about the aims of the United Nations for sustainable development. This series is produced in collaboration with the National Observatory for Dignified Living of the President's Foundation for Social Wellbeing.
Description: A series of programmes about the aims of the United Nations for sustainable development. This series is produced in collaboration with the National Observatory for Dignified Living of the President's Foundation for Social Wellbeing.
Appears in Collections:Agenda 2030

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