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Title: Comparison between PI and PR current controllers in grid connected PV inverters
Authors: Zammit, Daniel
Apap, Maurice
Spiteri Staines, Cyril
Keywords: Electric inverters
Electric controllers
Photovoltaic power generation
Smart power grids
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: WASET
Citation: Zammit, D., Spiteri Staines, C., & Apap, M. (2014). Comparison between PI and PR current controllers in grid connected PV inverters. WASET, International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering, 8(2), 221-226.
Abstract: This paper presents a comparison between Proportional Integral (PI) and Proportional Resonant (PR) current controllers used in Grid Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Inverters. Both simulation and experimental results will be presented. A 3kW Grid- Connected PV Inverter was designed and constructed for this research.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEngEE

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