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Title: Melita Theologica : volume 22 : issue 1-2
Authors: The Royal University Students' Theological Association
Keywords: Theology -- Malta
Theology -- Periodicals
Catholic Church -- Malta
Religious education -- Malta
Issue Date: 1970
Publisher: The Royal University Students' Theological Association
Citation: The Royal University Students' Theological Association (1970). Melita Theologica, 22(1-2).
Abstract: 1/ EMINYAN, M. - One or many Adams? -- 2/ DEPASQUALE, A. - Does 'legal relationship' constitute an impediment to marriage in Malta? -- 3/ DEBONO MONTEBELLO, N. - Euphemistic and non-euphemistic content of references to death in early Christian inscriptions -- 4/ CACHIA, G. - The birth pangs of the fourth genus of Christian or laymen in search of the state of perfection -- 5/ Book reviews.
Appears in Collections:MT - Volume 22, Issue 1-2 - 1970
MT - Volume 22, Issue 1-2 - 1970

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