Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | Tourism enterprise cooperation specifics : comparative study of Riga and Novosibirsk travel agencies | Berzina, Kristine; Medne, Ilze; Tsoy, Marina |
2017 | Assessing the role of Latvia’s participation in Indo-EU value chains | Garde, Vasudha; Karnups, Viesturs Pauls |
2017 | Evaluation of Latvia-China trade potential | Priede, Janis; Feng, Haidong |
2017 | Productivity and its impact on the competitiveness of Latvia | Skapars, Roberts; Jekabsone, Sandra; Priede, Janis; Skribane, Irina |
2017 | Design building of Indonesian economic politics | Aziz, Suhandi |
2017 | The factors affecting the profitability of banks : the case of Latvia | Bojare, Kristina; Romanova, Inna |
2017 | Minus margin agreements as a violation of business in business competition in Indonesia | Hasbi |
2017 | Implementation of pricing the corporate value in Indonesia | Hasibuan, Fauzie Yusuf |
2017 | Should I stay or should I go? Human resource information system implementation in Indonesian public organizations | Maulana Haeruddin, M. Ikhwan |
2017 | Banking business models of the digital future : the case of Latvia | Japparova, Irina; Rupeika-Apoga, Ramona |
2017 | Fintech as financial innovation – the possibilities and problems of implementation | Saksonova, Svetlana; Kuzmina-Merlino, Irina |
2017 | The role of co-creation activities, trust and gender on higher education marketing performance | Sutarso, Yudi; Halim, Rizal Edy; Balqiah, Tengku Ezni; Tjiptoherijanto, Prijono |
2017 | Factors impacting the low usage of e-services in Latvia | Balina, Signe; Skilters, Jurgis; Baumgarte, Dace; Zarina, Liga |
2017 | ICT industry’s challenge in Latvia | Balina, Signe; Rozite, Kristine; Steinbuka, Inna |
2017 | The impact of trust-distrust toward quality of life : the case of poor and non-poor household in Indonesia | Halim, Rizal Edy |
2017 | Factors influencing opportunity driven nascent entrepreneurs in Europe and Asia | Suchart, Tripopsakul |
2017 | Impacts of export development on unemployment in Indonesia | Yolanda |
2017 | Improving anticipative learning through entrepreneurial orientation in small to medium size enterprises | Ummi, Nurul; Meutia, Tubagus Ismail |
2017 | Studying effectiveness of the European and Eurasian Economic Union food safety legislation | Nurgaliyeva, M. T.; Iskakova, Zh. A.; Mamayeva, L. A.; Zhamurova, V. S.; Wright, Attevon; Smagulov, A. K. |
2017 | Analysis banking role to performance improvement on Indonesia small medium enterprises | Riwayati, Hedwigis Esti |