MMSG, Volume 2, Issue 1 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018User satisfaction of Children and Young People’s Service, MaltaSaliba, Andrea; Camilleri, Nigel
2018Re-operation rates in breast cancer after breast conserving surgery in MaltaFarrugia, Alexia; Caruana Dingli, Gordon
2018Incidence of acoustic neuroma in MaltaGrech, Ryan; Muscat, Kenneth; Attard, Joseph
2018Risk factors for adolescents developing substance use disorders; what should our prevention programs be targeting?Camilleri, Nigel; Saliba, Andrea
2018An audit on the practice of performing a chest X–Ray in infants with bronchiolitisCaruana Galizia, Sarah Anne; Said Pullicino, Veronica; Vella, Cecil
2018Assessing the home management of hypoglycaemia in paediatric T1DMTorpiano, Paul; Sapiano, Karen; Torpiano, John G.
2018Did the introduction of high-sensitivity Troponin T for the assessment of suspected acute coronary syndrome in Malta result in reduction of hospitalization time? A retrospective reviewChilmeran, Ahmed; Alwatari, Yahya; Zintilis, Stuart; Xuereb, Robert
2018A review of the national adverse drug reaction (ADR) & medication errors reporting system of MaltaBorg, John-Joseph; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Al-Haddad, Dania
2018Transition of children to adult careAttard Montalto, Simon
2017Rapidity of diagnosis and management of H. Pylori in the endoscopy unit at Mater Dei HospitalZammit, Daniela; Xerri, Thelma; Ellul, Pierre
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10

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