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Title: Simultaneous traffic flow and macro model estimation for signalized junctions with multiple input lanes
Authors: Chetcuti Zammit, Luana
Fabri, Simon G.
Scerri, Kenneth
Keywords: MOPI (Computer system)
Expectation-maximization algorithms
Intelligent transportation systems
Traffic engineering -- Data processing
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications
Citation: Chetcuti Zammit, L., Fabri, S.G., & Scerri, K. (2017). Simultaneous traffic flow and macro model estimation for signalized junctions with multiple input lanes .3rd International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, Porto. 1-8.
Abstract: A novel algorithm is presented for macro model estimation of the dynamics of traffic flow in a junction having multiple input lanes for each turning direction. The proposed algorithm jointly estimates the states describing the traffic flow under different traffic conditions, together with model parameters and their uncertainties of the measurement and process noise. Use is made of the Expectation-Maximization methodology with a sliding window over time in order to obtain quasi real-time estimation.
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacEngSCE

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