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Title: The iLearnRW game : support for students with dyslexia in class and at home
Authors: Cuschieri, Thomas
Khaled, Rilla
Farrugia, Vincent E.
Martinez, Hector P.
Yannakakis, Georgios N.
Keywords: Computer games -- Design
Issue Date: 2014-09
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Citation: Cuschieri, T., Khaled, R., Farrugia, V. E., Martinez, H. P., & Yannakakis, G. N. (2014). The iLearnRW game : support for students with dyslexia in class and at home. Sixth International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications (VS-GAMES), Valletta. 1-2.
Abstract: Dyslexia includes a large variety of literacy-related difficulties which demands, in most cases, a personalised intervention. However, as dyslexia affects a large fraction of the population, schools cannot provide individual care for each student. The iLearnRW game provides a tool for students to work on their literacy skills following a personalised teaching programme. The design of the game and adaptation mechanisms integrated with it are aimed at maintaining student engagement for the duration of an open-ended number of playing sessions, while using a limited quantity of assets and literacy content. By focusing on maintenance of engagement, we hope to improve learning outcomes and motivate students to also play the game outside of school.
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