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Title: The issues of covering science and technical policy of modern Russia in the strategic planning documents
Authors: Dmitrishina, Elena V.
Uskov, Denis A.
Keywords: Technological innovations -- Russia
Strategic planning -- Russia
Strategic planning -- Data processing
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association
Citation: Dmitrishina, E. V., & Uskov, D. A. (2015). The issues of covering science and technical policy of modern Russia in the strategic planning documents. European Research Studies Journal, 18(4), 57-74.
Abstract: This paper presents the evaluation of the current relations between the documents of strategic planning in the sphere of science and technology; the main issues of reflecting scientific and technological priorities in strategic documents are discussed; recommendations on improving the system of strategic planning in the sphere of innovation and scientific and technological development are given.
Appears in Collections:European Research Studies Journal, Volume 18, Issue 4

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