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Title: Understanding Irlen Syndrome in the classroom
Authors: Galea Seychell, Olivia
Keywords: Teaching -- Aids and devices
Color -- Therapeutic use
Perceptual disorders -- Malta
Perceptual disorders in children -- Malta
Perceptual learning
Learning, Psychology of
Learning disabilities -- Malta
Reading, Psychology of
Word recognition -- Ability testing -- Malta
Color vision -- Testing
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: University of Malta. Junior College
Citation: Galea Seychell, O. (2018). Understanding Irlen Syndrome in the classroom. Symposia Melitensia, 14, 283-291
Abstract: The right of every student is to learn in an open and inclusive education system. Students have diverse needs. The role of the educator is to connect with the students and take stock of their needs and ensure that the teaching methods do not put the student at a disadvantage. A successful education system is based on the principle of equity. Students are treated fairly and respectfully making sure that they are supported to address their needs. This paper focuses on visual perceptual difficulty known as Irlen Syndrome and how this syndrome contributes to difficulties to succeed in the education system. It also underlines what methods can be adopted to counteract the difficulties faced by students with Irlen Syndrome.
ISSN: 1812-7509
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - JCPsy
SymMel, 2018, Volume 14
SymMel, 2018, Volume 14

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