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Title: Mgr. Leonardo Abela u l-Mss. Orjentali tal-Vatikan
Authors: Cassar Pullicino, Ġużè
Keywords: Catholic libraries -- Vatican City -- History
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Manuscripts -- Vatican City
Abela, Leonardo, Bishop of Sidone, 1541-1605
Intellectual life -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- History -- 17th century
Intellectual life -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- History -- 16th century
Catholic Church -- Bishops -- History
Catholic Church -- Malta -- Clergy -- Biography
Malta -- Clergy -- Biography
Issue Date: 1955
Publisher: Ghaqda tal-Malti
Citation: Cassar Pullicino, G. (1955). Mgr. Leonardo Abela u l-Mss. Orjentali tal-Vatikan. Lehen il-Malti, 272-286, 25-28.
Abstract: In this article Cassar Pullicino writes about Bishop Leonardo Abela (1541-1605), a prominent Maltese scholar of the cinquecento who, among other prestigious titles, carried that of Bishop of Sidonia. Born to a noble family in Mdina in 1541, Pope Gregory VIII named him vicar general of the island of Malta. Later that year he moved to Rome where he projected a mission towards the Orient to have the churches there united with that of Rome. In his journey, he collected Manuscripts, making the Vatican’s Library the largest in Europe ( at the time ).
Appears in Collections:Lehen il-Malti (1953-1955) - Ghadd 272-286 (Ottubru 1953-Dicembru 1955)
Lehen il-Malti (1953-1955) - Ghadd 272-286 (Ottubru 1953-Dicembru 1955)

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