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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 165
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022An investigation of radiographers’ perception about their role in providing psychosocial support to cancer patientsAzzopardi, Jade; Portelli, Jonathan L.; Mercieca, Susan
2024Development of a mobile application to support paediatric patients undergoing radiotherapyAgius, Mark; Schranz, Gavin; Attard, Conrad; Mercieca, Susan
2017Interobserver variability in the definition of the primary lung cancer and lymph nodes on different 4DCT reconstructionsMercieca, Susan; De Jaeger, Katrien; Schinagl, Dominic; Van Der Voort Van Zijp, Noëlle; Pomp, Jacqueline; Khalifa, Jonathan; Van De Vaart, Paul; Theuws, Jacqueline; Belderbos, José; Van Herk, Marcel
2024Double shell positioning system versus thermoplastic shell for brain radiotherapyCaruana, Kristina; Gagus, Alessandro; Mercieca, Susan
2018PO-0973 SUVpeak based segmentation to determine lung tumour volume on FDG PET-CT compared with pathologyMercieca, Susan; Belderbos, J.; Van Loon, J.; Gilhuijs, K.; Julyan, P.; Van Herk, M.
2024Development of a mobile application to support prostate cancer patients undergoing radiotherapyFarrugia, Claire; Borg, Clarissa; Murugesan, Vimalesan; Sammut, Maria Stella; Attard, Conrad; Mercieca, Susan
2024Beyond boundaries : exploring radiographers’ experiences and solutions in organ-at-risk delineation for radiotherapy planningAttard, Antoine; Mercieca, Susan
2023Patients’ perspective on the use of mobile applications for the provision of supportive care in radiotherapySammut, Maria Stella; Mercieca, Susan
2024Advanced practice in radiotherapy across Europe : stakeholders’ perceptions of implementation and evolutionOliveira, Celeste M.; Barbosa, Barbara; Couto, Jose Guilherme; Bravo, Isabel; Hughes, Ciara M.; McFadden, Sonyia L.; Khine, Ricardo N. M.; McNair, Helen A.
2024Evaluation of the quality and impact of online learning through the SAFE EUROPE webinarsCouto, Jose Guilherme; McNulty, Jonathan P.; Sundqvist, Eric; Hughes, Ciara M.; McFadden, Sonyia L.
2024RTT advanced practice and how it can change the future of radiotherapyDuffton, Aileen; Harnett, Nicole; McNair, Helen A.; Bennett, Erica; Clarkson, Melanie; Couto, Jose Guilherme; Lawler, Gavin; Matthews, Kristie; Oliveira, Celeste; Rozanec, Natalie; Simões, Rita; Tsang, Yatman
2023Couples' experiences of prostate cancer treatment in Malta : a descriptive qualitative investigationvan Dijk, Gerrit Albertus
2020Nutritional support in cancer patients : radiographers' perceptionsDimitrov, Angelina Yurieva; Jones, P.; van Dijk, Gerrit Albertus
2018Fatigue levels in female Maltese patients undergoing radiotherapy for early stage breast cancerFarrugia, Maria; van Dijk, Gerrit Albertus; Courtier, Nicholas; Borg Grima, Karen
2024Developing symptom-specific dietary leaflets to address radiotherapy side effects using an eDelphi methodMunro, Duncan; van Dijk, Gerrit Albertus; Couto, Jose Guilherme
2024An assessment of quality of life following external beam radiotherapy treatment in MaltaAzzopardi, Noel A.; van Dijk, Gerrit Albertus
2022-10Mount Fuji signPennisi, Natalino Carmelo; Bellizzi, Andrea; Bellizzi, Carlene; Portelli, Jonathan L.
2022LGI1-abs encephalitisBellizzi, Carlene; Bellizzi, Andrea; Grech, Reuben; Portelli, Jonathan L.
2022A stiff hip : multi-modality imaging of tumoral calcinosisBellizzi, Andrea; Bellizzi, Carlene; Galea, Gabriel; Portelli, Jonathan L.
2023Evaluating the degree of psychological safety and individual perceptions among radiographer teamsDimech, Elaine; Portelli, Jonathan L.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 165