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Title: Rethinking Christianity’s claim to absoluteness
Authors: Penaskovic, Richard
Keywords: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 -- Influence
Philosophical theology
Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834
Troeltsch, Ernst, 1865-1923
Theology, Doctrinal
Issue Date: 1983
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Theology
Citation: Penaskovic, R. (1983). Rethinking Christianity’s claim to absoluteness. Melita Theologica, 34(1-2), 29-39.
Abstract: Ever since the time of the primitive Church (St. Paul, Justin the Martyr) Christians have been concerned with the relationship of their religion to other religions. Hegel, Schleiermacher and Troeltsch treat this question under the rubric, 'die Absolutheit des Christentums'. This term simply means the unconditional, unlimited and exclusive significance of the Christian message, that is, God's self-manifestation for all times in Jesus Christ.
Appears in Collections:MT - Volume 34, Issue 1-2 - 1983
MT - Volume 34, Issue 1-2 - 1983

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