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dc.identifier.citationGhaqda tal-Malti (Universita'). (1968). Lehen il-Malti : issue 13 : 1968en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe annual review of the student union, the Maltese Association - University. Lehen il-Malti includes a variety of poetic works, as well as academic studies and transcription work. Contents: Editorjal : nafu fejn sejrin? - Argumenti lirici fi-poezija ta' Ruzar Briffa by Roman Azzopardi - Consolatrix afflictorum, Fil-gnejna : varjant and Kuntrasti by Vanni Sant - Riferenzi awtobijografici fil-poezija ta' Dun Karm by Paul P. Sultana - Diwi ta' ghana by Alfred Degabriele - Fuq il-qabar ta' suldat Malti by George Mercieca - Tersaqx by Karmenu Mallia - Xenqet il-bierah by Alfred Degabriele - Lill-poeta Giacomo Leopardi... and Gerusalemm! by Guze Cremona - Konkors ta' poeziji : 'Ghalija l-haqq' jghid il-Mulej by Carmel Calleja ; Mewt qalb l-gherien by Daniel Massa ; Fil-misrah by Victor Fenech - Studju generali tas-sunett f'idejn Dun Karm by Victor Spiteri - Il-poezija ta' Dun Karm hija mera ta' hajja li qed tispicca by Henry Bellizzi - Taqbil u xebh bejn il-Malti wil-Grieg Qadim by J. Busuttilen_GB
dc.publisherGhaqda tal-Maltien_GB
dc.subjectMaltese language -- Periodicalsen_GB
dc.subjectMaltese literature -- Periodicalsen_GB
dc.titleLehen il-Malti (1968) - Ghadd 13en_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.contributor.corpauthorGhaqda tal-Malti (Universita')en_GB
dc.publication.titleLehen il-Maltien_GB
Appears in Collections:Lehen il-Malti (1968) - Ghadd 13
Lehen il-Malti (1968) - Ghadd 13

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