MRER, Volume 11, Issue 1
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2017 | Teachers, teaching, and the relevance of educational research : reflections from the front line [Seminar report] | Sultana, Roseline |
2017 | The ghost in the machine. A structurational interpretation of Maltese policies on ICT and education | Camilleri, Patrick |
2017 | Malta Review of Educational Research [Editorial] | Borg, Carmel |
2017 | Speaking for Ofosu : immigrant experience, multiculturalism and the psychological trauma of migration | Matemba, Yonah H. |
2017 | Phonological awareness and visual perceptual processing skills of Maltese children with Down syndrome. How is reading intervention affected? | Muscat, Loredana |
2017 | Adopting Antonio Gramsci’s conceptual elaboration of passive revolution to interpret economic development and education in the history of a unified Italy | Gravina, Joseph |
2017 | Assessment of learning and teaching in higher education : a case analysis of a university in the south of Europe | Shieh, Jin-Jy; Cefai, Carmel |
2017 | Developmental variation in predictors of reading comprehension amongst Maltese students | Grech, Louisa; Everatt, John; Bartolo, Paul A.; Camilleri, Liberato |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8