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dc.contributor.authorWarrington, Edward-
dc.identifier.citationWarrington, E. (1986). Implementing administrative reforms linked to economic changes : the case of Malta. Economic and Social Studies (New Series), 3, 23-31.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe history of Maltese public administration is marked by periodic attempts at a root-and-branch reform of the rapidly-growing civil service. The latest sustained effort lasted between 1972 and 198!. Because of its duration and the range of changes introduced, the reform qualifies as an important formative period for the public service. The Reorganisation, as it has come to be known, took place in the context of an 'economic crisis' that has preoccupied Maltese policy- makers since the late 'fifties. Throughout the period, successive administrations have struggled with the problem of disengaging Malta from its fortress role and launching a viable economy. In 1971 the problem acquired a new urgency when the newly-elected Labour administration negotiated the final closure of the British Naval Base which was set at 31st March 1979. In the course of the decade, the economic problem was compounded by the effects of the Oil Crisis and the later downturn and recession.en_GB
dc.publisherUniversity of Malta. Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancyen_GB
dc.subjectPublic administration -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectEconomic development -- Maltaen_GB
dc.subjectMalta -- Politics and governmenten_GB
dc.subjectAdministrative agencies -- Reorganizationen_GB
dc.subjectCivil service -- Maltaen_GB
dc.titleImplementing administrative reforms linked to economic changes : the case of Maltaen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.publication.titleEconomic and Social Studies (New Series)en_GB
Appears in Collections:Economic and Social Studies (New Series), Volume 3, 1986
Economic and Social Studies (New Series), Volume 3, 1986

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