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Title: Up-date on breeding status and review on Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae when away from the breeding sites
Authors: Ristow, Dietrich
Keywords: Falco
Birds -- Breeding -- Mediterranean Region
Issue Date: 2010
Publisher: Birdlife Malta
Citation: Ristow, D. (2010). Up-date on breeding status and review on Eleonora’s Falcon Falco eleonorae when away from the breeding sites. Il-Merill, 32, 1-5.
Abstract: This journal has already carried a comprehensive account on Eleonora's Falcon as to its status at the breeding colonies and the available data about migration patterns and wintering grounds (Ristow & Wink 1992-94). The article could be summarised as follows: While immatures are typically hundreds of miles away from the native island in the year after fledging, as adults they show extreme natal philopatry when breeding. Their main winter quarters are in Madagascar, and data during migration are scarce (Ristow & Wink 1992-94). It is not the purpose of the present contribution to repeat the same general information about the occurrence by presenting new data when sufficient data had already been published. Rather, this review focuses on new information and publications when these are supplemental to the former.
Appears in Collections:Il-Merill : issue 32 : 2010
Il-Merill : issue 32 : 2010

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