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Title: The diet of three Black redstarts Phoenicurus ochruros wintering at Mdina
Authors: Thake, Martin A.
Keywords: Procellariiformes
Black redstart -- Malta
Bird droppings -- Microbiology
Birds -- Food -- Malta
Birds -- Malta
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Birdlife Malta
Citation: Thake, M. A. (2002). The diet of three Black redstarts Phoenicurus ochruros wintering at Mdina. Il-Merill, 30, 24-31.
Abstract: The droppings of three Black Redstarts Phoenicurus ochruros wintering at Mdina, Malta, were investigated in order to determine the components of the birds' diet. Visual observations of the birds' behaviour were also made. The droppings of an adult male were collected from beneath one of its habitual perches, while the droppings oftwo different females were collected from beneath their common roost. The male's droppings represent food taken at various times of day during daylight, whereas the females' droppings represent food taken in the early morning and late afternoon. The droppings were placed in alcohol and dissected under a binocular microscope (x 15). The contents of each (numbered) dropping were noted separately. Droppings were collected during the birds' wintering period between late October and early March of the 1996-97 wi.nter. 21 male and 106 female droppings were examined. The two females roosted in close proximity to one another and, as their droppings could not be distinguished, they were analysed together.
Appears in Collections:Il-Merill : issue 30 : 2002
Il-Merill : issue 30 : 2002

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