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Title: The Common kestrel Falco tinnunculus nesting on Comino
Authors: Galea, Raymond
Keywords: Birds -- Malta
Eurasian kestrel -- Malta
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Birdlife Malta
Citation: Galea, R. (2002). The Common kestrel Falco tinnunculus nesting on Comino. Il-Merill, 30, 39.
Abstract: The Common Kestrel F. tinnuncu/us is a common migrant in the Maltese Islands, both in spring and in autumn; a few birds overwinter in suitable localities. Occasional pairs breed and probably the species would be a regular breeding bird were it not for human persecution (Sultana & Gauci 1982). The species bred on Comino in 1994, when a pair with two fledged young was observed in the last week of June. The last nest on record was noted at Ta' Cenc cliffs in Gozo, on 2 June 1945; the nest contained young about a fortnight old (Gibb 1951).
Appears in Collections:Il-Merill : issue 30 : 2002
Il-Merill : issue 30 : 2002

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