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Title: Male Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis run over by a car while fighting
Authors: Thake, Martin A.
Keywords: Sparrows -- Behavior -- Malta
Birds -- Malta
Issue Date: 1995
Publisher: Birdlife Malta
Citation: Thake, M. A. (1995). Male Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis run over by a car while fighting. Il-Merill, 28, 33.
Abstract: Fights among Spanish Sparrows are common in February in Malta. The fighting birds flutter close together and push, grasp or scratch at one another with their feet. The fighting birds inevitably lose height, and sometimes fall to the ground, still locked in combat.
Appears in Collections:Il-Merill : issue 28 : 1992-1994
Il-Merill : issue 28 : 1992-1994

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