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Title: Nicknames in nineteenth century Gozo
Authors: Savona-Ventura, Charles
Keywords: Folklore -- Malta -- Periodicals
Folklorists -- Malta
Manners and customs -- Malta
Malta -- Social life and customs
Nicknames -- Malta -- Gozo
Onomastics -- Malta -- Gozo
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Ghaqda Maltija tal-Folklor
Citation: Savona-Ventura, C. (2002). Nicknames in nineteenth century Gozo. L-Imnara, 7, (1), 26-27.
Abstract: The use of nicknames has been prevalent in Malta throughout the ages possibly dating as far back as the Arab Period. The present study attempts to list the nicknames prevalent among the Gozo population in the late nineteenth century. The information was collected from the patient identification notes recorded in the Register of Admissions and Discharges for Lying-in Women at Victoria Hospital for the period 1876 to 1893.
Appears in Collections:L-Imnara, Volume 7, Issue 1
L-Imnara, Volume 7, Issue 1

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