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Title: Il-forka ghall-izvinturat
Authors: Chetcuti, Mary
Keywords: Marines -- Ireland -- Biography
Great Britain. Royal Navy -- Officers
Great Britain. Royal Navy -- Officers -- History -- 19th century
Hanging -- Malta -- History -- 19th century
McSweeney, Thomas, -1837
Cemeteries -- Malta -- Vittoriosa
Issue Date: 2018-07-01
Publisher: Partit Laburista
Citation: Chetcuti, M. (2018, July 1). Il-forka ghall-izvinturat. Kullhadd, p. 23.
Abstract: Thomas McSweeney ingagga bhala Royal Marine fuq HMS Rodney fl-1835. Fl-1836 inqala’ incidenti b’konsegwenzi koroh. Is-Surgent Allen irrapporta quddiem l-ufficjali tieghu li McSweeney kien qieghed ihejji ghall-irqad minflok ma kien fuq il-gverta jaghmel xoghlu kif ordnat. Sakemm dan il-bahri kien se jidher quddiem l-ufficjal ezekuttiv, ghadda minn hdejh is-Surgent u ghaddielu xi kummenti razzisti. Fid-daghdigha dawn iggieldu u McSweeney imbotta lis-Surgent. Is-Surgent tilef il-bilanc, waqa’ u wara xi ftit jiem miet. B’konsegwenza t’hekk McSweeney gie kkundannat ghall-forka hawn Malta u ndifen fic-Cimiterju ta’ San Lawrenz, il-Birgu.
Appears in Collections:Melitensia Works - ERCWHMlt

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